Pharmacy Jobs – A Top Career in the Healthcare Industry

Pharmacy professionals play an important role in the care of patients and in other areas of the healthcare industry. Pharmacists in the community and hospital setting ensure that patients receive the right medications. They also advise patients regarding medicines, including how to take them, what reactions could happen, and about drug interactions. They are a major resource for medical information in hospitals, clinics, community pharmacies, and many other settings.

One major advantage of having a doctor of pharmacy degree (PharmD) is the variety of opportunities that are available. When most people think of the pharmacy profession they think about the community, hospital, or clinic pharmacist. Although community and hospital pharmacies are the top employers, pharmacy jobs or jobs that require a pharmacist’s knowledge are available in other areas of healthcare or related industries. The pharmaceutical industry is such an example. Pharmaceutical companies have many jobs that are a close match with PharmD training. Some entry level jobs are available immediately after graduation but many jobs require a fellowship/residency, experience, or additional credentials. Other non-traditional pharmacy jobs include pharmacy consultant, nuclear pharmacy, regulatory jobs at the FDA, and academia. Recently, a new type of pharmacy job called medication therapy management (MTM) pharmacist or personal pharmacist has emerged and is growing. MTM pharmacists provide face-to-face comprehensive medication consultation and bill for their services independent of drug dispensing. Many experts believe that this is the future of the pharmacy profession.

Coupled with the diversity of opportunities, pharmacists also enjoy very high starting salaries compared with most health professions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012 Handbook the median salary for pharmacists was $111,570 in 2010. Top earners earned more than $138,620 annually. Pharmacists are one of the highest paid professionals in the healthcare industry.

The job outlook is very favorable for pharmacists. Between 2010 and 2020 the Bureau of Labor projects a 25% growth in the number of pharmacy jobs. This is faster than projected growth for all occupations and is closer to the projected growth in nursing jobs (26%). Factors that may contribute to this future growth include new drug approvals, more insured individuals, aging population, older pharmacists retiring, and a shift in demand for more pharmacists to provide patient counseling services (medication therapy management).

Given the above-mentioned variety of pharmacy jobs, pay, and growth trends, a pharmacist career is very promising. Those who are embarking on a career in the healthcare field should seriously consider pharmacy as an option.

Industrial Voltage Stabilizer – A Reliable Solution For The Voltage Issues

Every economy is suffering from the problems of voltage and power issues. This is also a major concern of industries which are fighting with the financial loss due to problems like breakdown and faults in the machines due to power loss, noise from harmonics, voltage fluctuations, spikes, surges, overloads, under loads and many more to count. Protecting your pricey appliances is possible now; the perfect and reliable solution for all the problems related to the power and voltage issues comes from the servo voltage stabilizer manufacturers who have designed such array of the products. They fight back with the power issues and protect your expensive machines and appliances from the ill effects of the power cuts.

Such types of devices are efficient for the appliances and save them from the severe breakdowns, faults and even helps to ignore some catastrophic hazards. The installation of the device is much easier and doesn’t require any professional to fix it. There is a wide range of industrial stabilizers which offers various types of stabilizers to choose from.

These devices ensure a constant supply of power to the machines and appliances in the case of power cuts. Further, the stabilizers also ensure the regular supply of power in the case of power fluctuations. Some medical equipment in the pharmaceutical industry like MRI and oncology machines can break down even with the minor fluctuations of power which are only about 3 to 15%. The adverse consequences are not just limited to equipment’s breakdown or failure, but also affect the working efficiency, reduces life span, emerge the need for more maintenance and repairs as well as more disturbances. All these obstacles double your production cost and bring down the quality of the outputs.

Large scale industries have heavy-duty machines and expensive appliances which need a constant power supply for proper functionality and maximum potency. This is only possible with the high servo voltage stabilizers which can ensure consistent voltage supply to these machines. These preserve your hefty devices from the unexpected power cuts and enable them to operate smoothly. Among the various types of the stabilizers, some of the stabilizers are connected to the appliances, while some are linked directly to the power control system for high flow of current.

The industrial voltage stabilizers are designed to save the space in an efficient manner and fit in any space. It also works efficiently in all the conditions. Besides machines, the device also assures the safety of the operator working on the machines.

Inventory Management And Control In A Pharmaceutical Company

The pharmaceutical industry is a very important one in the industrial world because of its major role in sustaining a healthy nation. Within the industry, there are various firms or companies engaging in one form of trade or the other. While some specialize on research and development in respect to drugs or medicine for curing one existing or new infection or disease, some are into manufacturing drugs and others are into prescribing drugs, marketing drugs and the likes. This scene, as if it were stage drama, is been watched, assessed and controlled by reputation organizations, associations, bodies, commissions and special committee to ensure that things do not go beyond normal.

As soon as I got on the job, I rolled out what I want to achieve which every store manager is expected to do if he must achieve success on the job. Take a look at mine.

The store/warehouse is committed to:

i. serving you better via prompt delivery or dispatch of stocks,
ii. enhancing effective communication,
iii. handling your complaints with courtesy, absolute care and prompt response,
iv. proper and accurate documentation(s) for effectiveness and efficiency, and
v. due process for in-coming, out-going and out-sourcing of stocks.

This is mine and you need something similar to this, not exactly. It all depends on your organization and what you want to do or achieve. Inventory management and control thus is a very vital knowledge at a store or warehouse manager must have in order to perform well on the job.

Practically, inventory management is all about ensuring that everything about your stock is well planned and organized such that there is easy flow of stock within and outside the firm. This means that you must have enough stocks to satisfy all orders and ensure that customers continue to have stocks at all time. It is a complex things and quite challenging. However, some programs have helped in reducing the stress of using varieties of formulas in getting reorder level, maximum and minimum stock level, warning level, annual demand, etc. This is about INVENTORY OR STOCK CONTROL.

In managing you stocks in a pharmaceutical company, you must learn first how to keep proper records. You must be very versatile in this and like figures especially when you handle over 100 different types of drugs and some have different strengths e.g. 10mg, 25mg, 50mg, 100mg, 500mg, 1g, 4000iu, 10000iu, 20000iu, etc. Some of the documents you must have and make use of are:

DELIVERY NOTE (DN): This records all drugs and materials leaving the store to the customers, REPs, office workers and donations to institutions. It must have Date, Particular (for drug name, expiry date, batch number and strength), packaging details (e.g. bottles, vial, PC, etc), Name and Address of the consignee, serial number, signature space for the store manager and the receiver. It could be duplicated in pink or be in triplicate.

GOODS RETURN FORM (GRF): It records all goods return and in good condition.

GOOD RECEIVE NOTE (GRN): It records all imported stocks as they enter the store i.e. stocks imported from manufacturer and being received into the store or stocks received from the production department into the store and ready to be issued out.

PRODUCT REQUSITION NOTE (PRN): It records all requests for order placement forwarded to the purchasing manager or procurement department when stocks reach reorder level. It should specify which stock needs to be replenished and the quantity to be ordered (though the procurement manager may know the right quantity to procure within the financial constraint of the organization).

WAYBILL: This is a store document that accompanies stocks being moved out of the organization which must be presented when stopped on the way either by the organization’s security men or force on the way to the customer’s warehouse or store.

BIN CARD: This is a document showing daily incoming and outgoing of stocks in and out of the store or warehouse. It must show the consignee’s name and address, batch number, expiry date, quantity, signature and the balance (on continuous basis). FIFO should be strictly applied so as to avoid loss due to expiration of drugs.

INVENTORY SOFTWARE: Inventory management and control software could be installed on the office system for daily posting and accurate report as generated by the tested and tried program. Good ones include inflow inventory program, Chronos eStock Card, Inventoria Manager Stock etc.

In managing stock or inventory in a pharmaceutical company, the following must be put into consideration:

1. The stocks expiry date must be checked and documented. It must be written on the bin card.
MANAGEMENT ACTION: Ensure that there is proper surveillance on the expiry date of each drug to avoid loss due to expiration.

2. The Batch number must be noted and document as their may be many batches of the same class of drug
MANAGEMENT ACTION: FEFO (First Expiry, First Out) should be used here. The first expiring batch should go out first.

3. The temperature must be well noted and likewise the storage conditions. Some of such instructions are: store between 2oC and 5oC, store between 15oC and 25oC, protect from sunlight, keep in deep freezer, etc. Adhere to these instructions.
MANAGEMENT ACTION: The temperature should be properly monitored to avoid damaged due to over/under temperature.

Others include:

4. Stocks should not be jam-packed in the stock. There should be enough space and the store should be well organized to allow for easily location and free movement.

5. Computer data should exist for all stocks in the store which will be updated daily or almost immediately as the stocks are going out or coming in to enable the manager to know quantity left for each stock at a glance on the system in case of urgent demand.

6. Cleanliness is part of proper management of the warehouse.

7. Proper documentation and record updating is also necessary here from source document to Bin Card.

The stock control strategy is also necessary for effective and efficient management of the warehouse. Lots of software now exists to remove difficulties in this area. In controlling the warehouse stocks, the control measure/software/program should be able to determine the following upon which right decision should/could be taken:


The manual method of stock control is fast fading out though some organizations still make use of it. However, daily check is needed to ensure efficiency. Computers these days have helped to save such time because alert props up when stocks need to be reorder, below minimum level, when over stock, etc.

In all, stock management and control is an important aspect of warehouse manager’s responsibility which must handled effectively and efficient if he/she must stay on the job since all what is demanded from him or her is this function. Therefore, the warehouse manager must endeavour to keep abreast of development via training and development in the form of further schooling, workshops, seminars, internet research, etc.

How Mobile App Technology Is Transforming The Healthcare Industry

Mobile technology has its impact in the Healthcare, Medical, and Pharmaceutical industry. Mobile apps are helpful to the doctors, fitness experts, patients & hospital management staff. Doctors prescribe the patients through apps. Patients can get on-time reminders for medicine & regular health checkups. Mobile health technology has formulated the new ways that doctors can assist patients, health conscious people can remain healthy by using fitness apps. Hospital management staff can easily maintain the stock of medicines, injections & other activity by using Mobile Apps.

Medical professionals other than doctors such as medical practitioners, Hospital Management staff & students also make use of apps for the ease of all sorts of operations & routine tasks.

A survey conducted in the US reveals 62% US smartphone owners have used their phone to get information about a health condition in the year of 2015. Therefore, it is proved that mobile apps belong to Healthcare industry get a good user response.

Let’s Understand How Mobile Apps are Transforming the Healthcare Industry-

Mobile Apps for Doctors-

The medicinal services experts, specialists, Physicians and Medical understudies additionally need to experience some clinical data. For the most part, an application of a therapeutic word reference is helpful for the rehearsing specialists and understudies. For any sort of inquiry in medicinal terms, they can rapidly get the best arrangement.

Medical Apps for Doctors have normal components, for example, Medical news, Drug data and devices, Disease and Condition Information, Medical Calculators, Drug Formulary Information, Continuing Medical Education Courses, Offline Assess, and so forth.

By introducing an application, Doctors can know about the Medical gatherings plans, critical diary articles, meeting news, and so forth. Specialists can refresh themselves about the medications and dose, recipes, scales, etc.

Healthcare Mobile Apps for Patients

Owing to unhealthy food, polluted weather, tight professional schedule & disturbed routine life cycle each individual is suffering from small or big health issues.

Due to unhealthy food consumption, polluted weather, tight professional schedule & disturbed routine life cycle each individual is suffering from small or big health issues. It is better that they know about various wellbeing conditions, maladies, medals and some home cures. Best healthcare mobile applications have a decent accumulation of information including different restorative circumstances, suggestions to take prescriptions, and so on.< with an urgent need to call for the Ambulance. The applications can help you immediately when you are in critical condition. When you press the help button in an urgency numbers, get a notice about the urgency made alongside the location.

Indeed, even a Doctor can oversee wellbeing records, arrangements, Patient’s well-being history, the past and current wellbeing condition and so on. The different applications are accessible for the comfort of Doctors. With the assistance of versatile applications for patients, it’s simple for the Doctors to track a record of all patients seek the treatment. Admin department can likewise leave restorative arrangement suggestions to the patients through email, SMS, and direct application notifications.

Some huge clinics likewise oversee itemized information of all patients. A patient’s therapeutic record journal can likewise be overseen through Mobile applications.

Mobile Apps for Pharmaceutical Companies

The pharmaceutical organizations fabricate different medications and a considerable lot of them can offer their meds through the mCommerce application. As an eCommerce business has far to go, Pharmaceutical organizations, likewise have jumped into it.

They encourage you to gather the endorsed drugs from your doorstep with discounted rates. The clients can transfer a photo of the Doctor’s depiction or select diagnosis tests.

At the point when a request for the medicine is dropped, an accomplice retailer contacts the client and convey the correct medications with sensible rates. Best Pharmaceutical applications encourage the clients for well-being and therapeutic charging too.

Hospital Management with the Mobile Apps

Huge and popular international healing centers have numerous wards and treat various patients all the while. They keep an additional a staff of many individuals, including specialists, medical caretakers, ward cleaners, supporting staff, Admin, Security, and so forth. Indeed, even the master specialists from alternate healing centers likewise visit the patients conceded. Consequently, healing centers have a major information to deal with consistently. The superlative application advancement organizations can easily create the full, highlighted applications for the doctor’s facility administration.

Doctor’s facilities put a supply of different medications and solutions, infusions, operational instruments, stretchers and other gear, machines, and so forth. Stock upkeep of numerous drugs is an intense errand. The staff can utilize a particular versatile application for the same. Versatile applications show a rundown of drugs with accessible stock. Administration staff gets the warning for the pharmaceuticals with low stock and out of the stock.

Medicinal mobile applications for Doctors and patients are truly useful from various perspectives. Any medicinal expert just requires the sharp personalities for versatile application development who can comprehend their necessities and fabricate a perfect application.

Mobile Applications for Fitness freaks

In the fast paced life, individuals have turned out to be more cognizant about their wellness and wellbeing. The everyday routine includes exercise in morning and evening and managing calorie intake the applications can help with the nutrition and calorie intake.

Yoga is the best practice for physical and mental prosperity. Introduce yoga application and experience the recordings as you practice the discipline. Wellness versatile applications additionally specify how “Aasans” and “Pranayam” are valuable for wellbeing. The full-included body wellness applications can direct you precisely as the specialists.

Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry: An Insight Into Globalization

Japan is the second largest market for pharmaceuticals, with the US being the largest. It represents almost 10% of the world pharmaceutical market. One of the major driving force behind this large market size is the aging of Japanese population i.e. 26% of the Japanese population is 65 years or older. Keeping a higher life expectancy, Japan tops the world list both in male and female population. Consequently, the medical needs are at a surge; thus, boosting the number of pharmaceutical companies, importers, and exporters in Japan.

The Japanese government has taken multiple steps to address the medical needs. The government’s aim is to reduce the overall expenditure in delivering the adequate healthcare to the Japanese population. Recently, two major breakthroughs were regulated; biennial drugs price revision and promotion of generic drugs instead of branded drugs. The branded (patented) drugs are costly as they bear the cost of research, development, and commercialization. Japanese medical industry, especially those who focus on branded drugs, now need to increase its global presence to relieve this competition with generic drugs industry. Back in the 1990s, the government’s decision to allow import of medicines had already restricted the business available to the domestic-only pharmaceutical companies.

In this context, it has become vital for the Japanese medical industry to invest in clinical research facilitating the globalization. It has been observed that the Japanese companies have been spending less budget on research & development as compared to the American and European companies. Japanese pharmaceutical companies have long been using the in-house clinical trials for the domestic testing. However, the increasing global demand for new drug development necessitates the R&D including the clinical trials. This provided a space for contract research organization (CRO) to come forward. The local and international CRO industry is, thus, one of the immediate focus markets for the Japanese pharmaceuticals.

As the Japanese government is well-aware of all ongoing changes, steps are being taken to reduce the length of the review process for the introduction of a new drug in Japan. The recent guidelines have allowed the use of non-Japanese trial data for facilitating a quick introduction of novel drugs in the market. Likewise, it necessitates the export of Japanese medicine to clinical research organizations worldwide for use in clinical trials. Consequently, most the Japanese pharmaceutical companies have already started exporting the drugs for clinical CRO examination.

With a high number of pharmaceutical companies in the market, it is now unavoidable to use technology in development, testing and promotion of Japanese medicine. The department of health also helps the companies who are technologically advanced and are planning international expansion. In this context, the online availability of Japanese pharmaceuticals has become vital for effective marketing.

In conclusion, it is to reiterate that the Japanese pharmaceutical industry needs to expand their business worldwide for a long-term sustainability. Contract research organizations can provide them a big support for benchmarking their inventions by organizing structured clinical trials.