Getting To The Point –

All About Failure to Launch Syndrome

There is a big percentage of youths that are employed every year. But not all young people are able to get employment and work. The reasons for this are a lot. The most common cause s lack of transport and some in house family issues. This means that a percentage of young people, hold themselves back for their potential. It can get very irritating for the people they are close to people that hold themselves back. The common thing about all these people is lack of effort in any area of their life. No matter how much they are encouraged, they do not budge at all. failure to launch syndrome is the name of this condition. Take your time here and read a lot more about the condition.

It is easy to notice such people based on the signs that they portray of this failure to launch syndrome. One of the most common sign is a very poor work ethic. These people will pretend to be sick so as to avoid going to work. In school, they do not even attempt to finish the assignments that are given to them. This will cause them to fail their classes as well as lose their jobs.

All this can cause you to wonder what the cause of this failure to launch syndrome is. It is nearly impossible to exactly say that this or that is the cause of the failure to launch syndrome in somebodies life. But you can be able to notice some contributing factors to the condition. Of all the many things that facilitated the failure to launch syndrome is fear to fail. It is really hard for people that have the failure to launch syndrome to push themselves to succeed in anything.

This innate fear of failure that they possess was most likely caused by a guardian or parent they had when they were children. This authoritative figure most likely criticized them all the time and shamed them a lot. The kind of effect that this constant shaming and being criticized has was that they became afraid to try out anything else as children. And as they grow up, they do not let go of the fear they had.

The failure to launch syndrome is not a permanent condition and the people with it can overcome it. First of all they should be helped to realize their self-worth. Being able to leave the fear of failure is one big step they can also take. Getting psychological help from a therapist is something that they can also do.